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Aug. 23 2023
Do you ever have to remind yourself that you chose this life? I knew exactly what I was getting into, and I still chose this
Aug. 22 2023
Working in the dairy industry, I have witnessed some moments I will cherish forever. From being able to watch a calf’s first breath to helping a cow recover from illness, there are many things I...
Aug. 21 2023
Summer is coming to an end, and it’s time to go back to school. However, I won’t be going home empty-handed
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Aug. 18 2023
As we were moving some cows and heifers to our calving pen today, it hit me that the cattle we were moving all have due dates further out than my own
Aug. 14 2023
While I was searching for information sources to use for a different writing assignment, I came across a Penn State Extension article that discussed managing weeds
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Aug. 10 2023
Even on the worst day, a baby calf can make you smile. They only really want one thing, and that’s food. Unlike the cows, our youngest calves can’t graze, nor do they quite understand that...
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Aug. 9 2023
Have you ever met one of those people who never seem to have anything going wrong?
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Aug. 8 2023
There are many articles and studies about “impostor syndrome” and its impact on women
Aug. 7 2023
Last week, Wisconsin experienced some pretty high temperatures that seem to be sticking around. I heard the phrase, “You should be used to the heat since you’re from the south,” multiple...
Aug. 4 2023
One of the annual summer staples around here — best served up lathered in butter and a good sprinkling of salt, in my opinion — is homegrown sweet corn
July 31 2023
The day of a cattle show can be stressful. Having someone follow the cows around with a manure pan is crucial in order to catch any excrement that comes out the back side
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July 26 2023
Okay, this week’s article is going to be a little different. Honestly, I just want to complain for a few minutes
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July 25 2023
County and state dairy promotion programs were created to help promote the nutritional benefits of milk and dairy products to consumers
July 24 2023
A question asked quite often in an interview is, “Who is your role model?”
July 19 2023
What’s the best calf starter? Of course, the answer is whatever starter fits your operation
July 18 2023
I have often felt there was an invisible wall between the beef and dairy industries, preventing them from communicating or learning from each other
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July 12 2023
As fast as agriculture is changing, some things have stayed the same. Most farms — over 90% — are still family owned and operated
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July 11 2023
I grew up in a house that was busy. That’s just the nature of dairy farming
July 10 2023
As you are reading this, I will be in Madison, Wis., attending the Junior National Hereford Expo (JNHE)
July 6 2023
Dusting off the show box, leading calves, clipping and washing animals, double checking paperwork, preparing show clothes, finalizing exhibits, and so much more are on the minds of many kids and their...